Anyone facing jail by the CSA - compare it with this!
(too old to reply)
2005-09-28 15:12:08 UTC
Huntley's £15K cash claim

By JOHN ASKILL http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005440604,00.html

SCALDED killer Ian Huntley has got legal aid to launch an astonishing
£15,000 claim for the pain he suffered in a jail attack.

The Soham monster - left screaming in agony when a fellow lifer hurled
boiling water at him - claims guards failed to protect him.

But last night furious prison sources branded the beast who murdered
ten-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman a "money-grabbing opportunist"

One insider said: "He's got the cheek of the devil. He's trying to grab
everything he can from the system.

"The prison officers saved him. The boiling water was hurled into his face
and his chest but they ripped off his T-shirt and carried him into a cold

"He's lucky they acted so quickly or he could have been scarred for life."

Huntley, 31, called in lawyers just hours after lag Paul Marshall, 35,
hurled two cups of water at him at Wakefield Prison, Yorks.

He immediately instructed his legal team to demand £2,500 in legal aid to
sue prison bosses, who he claimed had a "duty of care" to ensure his safety.

Huntley claims he is entitled to compensation for his "suffering".

Prison doctors were yesterday still treating him for scalds from the attack,
which was revealed exclusively by The Sun.

The source said: "Huntley seemed to think straight away that the attack was
going to be worth money for him. He sees it as an ideal opportunity to pick
up a load of cash."

Huntley is serving two life sentences for the murders - but three years
after the killings he is still living a pampered existence in the jail's
Health Care wing.

A judge is expected to announce later this week how long the former school
caretaker must spend in jail.

Last night MPs blasted his compensation claim.

Tory Henry Bellingham said: "It's quite horrific to think Huntley would get
a single penny in compensation or taxpayers' money.

"If there is any money he should compensate the families of his victims."

Fellow Tory MP James Paice, whose Cambridgeshire constituency includes
Soham, added: "Public money for compensation should be limited."
Martin Davies
2005-09-28 15:28:48 UTC
Post by Fletcher
Huntley's £15K cash claim
By JOHN ASKILL http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005440604,00.html
SCALDED killer Ian Huntley has got legal aid to launch an astonishing
£15,000 claim for the pain he suffered in a jail attack.
The Soham monster - left screaming in agony when a fellow lifer hurled
boiling water at him - claims guards failed to protect him.
But last night furious prison sources branded the beast who murdered
ten-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman a "money-grabbing opportunist"
One insider said: "He's got the cheek of the devil. He's trying to grab
everything he can from the system.
"The prison officers saved him. The boiling water was hurled into his face
and his chest but they ripped off his T-shirt and carried him into a cold
"He's lucky they acted so quickly or he could have been scarred for life."
Huntley, 31, called in lawyers just hours after lag Paul Marshall, 35,
hurled two cups of water at him at Wakefield Prison, Yorks.
He immediately instructed his legal team to demand £2,500 in legal aid to
sue prison bosses, who he claimed had a "duty of care" to ensure his safety.
Huntley claims he is entitled to compensation for his "suffering".
Prison doctors were yesterday still treating him for scalds from the attack,
which was revealed exclusively by The Sun.
The source said: "Huntley seemed to think straight away that the attack was
going to be worth money for him. He sees it as an ideal opportunity to pick
up a load of cash."
Huntley is serving two life sentences for the murders - but three years
after the killings he is still living a pampered existence in the jail's
Health Care wing.
A judge is expected to announce later this week how long the former school
caretaker must spend in jail.
Last night MPs blasted his compensation claim.
Tory Henry Bellingham said: "It's quite horrific to think Huntley would get
a single penny in compensation or taxpayers' money.
"If there is any money he should compensate the families of his victims."
Fellow Tory MP James Paice, whose Cambridgeshire constituency includes
Soham, added: "Public money for compensation should be limited."
I've heard similar stories for years now, about how some criminal shouldn't
get money.
Yet looks to me like MPs say its a disgrace but won't change the law to stop
it happening. Go figure.
Oh, and I'd have chucked the boiling liquid somewhere else.

Martin <><
2005-09-29 04:17:41 UTC
I suggest you don't complain, heckle or harrass your MP about this or
the victimisation of fathers by the CSA else Blair will send his
Brighton Maffia to eject you ... and that particulary goes for any
fathers of pensionable age!
Martin Davies
2005-09-29 07:35:47 UTC
Post by SittingDuck
I suggest you don't complain, heckle or harrass your MP about this or
the victimisation of fathers by the CSA else Blair will send his
Brighton Maffia to eject you ... and that particulary goes for any
fathers of pensionable age!
Won't bother my MP. He's a Conservative MP in a region with plenty of Labour
Seeing as the CSA was a Conservative idea, both schemes, his party has
something to say about the ideas though they can put the blame since 1997 on

Martin <><
nacsa chair
2005-09-29 08:16:49 UTC
Wasnt that just the most horrifying sight....i couldn't believe what i was
seeing...is this a real reflection of how our democracy works???
Post by SittingDuck
I suggest you don't complain, heckle or harrass your MP about this or
the victimisation of fathers by the CSA else Blair will send his
Brighton Maffia to eject you ... and that particulary goes for any
fathers of pensionable age!